Ashburton Region

The Ashburton region includes the Loves Find, Whiskey pool and Mt Murray projects that are in close proximity to the Kilba Project. Exploration is at an early stage for all regions and work is planned to progress these projects.

At Loves Find, geological mapping, UV lamping and rockchip has identified significant tungsten mineralisation associated with garnet-epidote-clinozoisite-diopsite skarns. Two selective rockchip samples from these skarns returned assays of 4.2% WO3 and 5.6 WO3.

The Whiskey Pool project hosts tungsten targeted by a prospector in the 1980s. Mineralisation is associated with steeply dipping vein-hosted wolframite in the Morrisey Metamorphics, south of the Ashburton River. Surface sampling of from historical workings returned an assay of 6.14% W.

The Mount Murray Project comprises two exploration licence, one grantred and one an applications. These two tenements cover 124 square kilometres of stratigraphy similar to that at Kilba. Work on Mount Murray will focus of compilation of historical exploration and target generation.
